model = AutoAdapterModel.from_pretrained("xlm-roberta-large") model.load_adapter("Gregor/xlm-roberta-large-wmt21-qe", source="hf")
for xlm-roberta-largeAn adapter for the xlm-roberta-large model that was trained on the quality_estimation/wmt21 dataset and includes a prediction head for classification.
This adapter was created for usage with the adapter-transformers library.
First, install adapter-transformers
pip install -U adapter-transformers
Note: adapter-transformers is a fork of transformers that acts as a drop-in replacement with adapter support. More
Now, the adapter can be loaded and activated like this:
from transformers import AutoModelWithHeads
model = AutoModelWithHeads.from_pretrained("xlm-roberta-large")
adapter_name = model.load_adapter("Gregor/xlm-roberta-large-wmt21-qe")
model.active_adapters = adapter_name
{ "adapter_residual_before_ln": false, "cross_adapter": false, "inv_adapter": null, "inv_adapter_reduction_factor": null, "leave_out": [], "ln_after": false, "ln_before": false, "mh_adapter": false, "non_linearity": "gelu", "original_ln_after": true, "original_ln_before": true, "output_adapter": true, "reduction_factor": 8, "residual_before_ln": true }
@article{fomicheva2020mlqepe, title={{MLQE-PE}: A Multilingual Quality Estimation and Post-Editing Dataset}, author={Marina Fomicheva and Shuo Sun and Erick Fonseca and Fr\'ed\'eric Blain and Vishrav Chaudhary and Francisco Guzm\'an and Nina Lopatina and Lucia Specia and Andr\'e F.~T.~Martins}, year={2020}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.04480} }