model = AutoAdapterModel.from_pretrained("facebook/bart-large") config = AdapterConfig.load("lohfink-rossi-leaveout", non_linearity="relu", reduction_factor=16) model.load_adapter("qa/squad2@lohfink-rossi", config=config)
{ "ln_after": false, "ln_before": false, "mh_adapter": true, "output_adapter": true, "adapter_residual_before_ln": true, "non_linearity": "relu", "original_ln_after": true, "original_ln_before": true, "reduction_factor": 16, "residual_before_ln": true, "leave_out": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14 ] }
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@misc{rajpurkar2018know, title={Know What You Don't Know: Unanswerable Questions for SQuAD}, author={Pranav Rajpurkar and Robin Jia and Percy Liang}, year={2018}, eprint={1806.03822}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CL} }