model = AutoAdapterModel.from_pretrained("facebook/bart-base") config = AdapterConfig.load("houlsby", non_linearity="swish", reduction_factor=16) model.load_adapter("sts/qqp@ukp", config=config)
{ "ln_after": false, "ln_before": false, "mh_adapter": true, "output_adapter": true, "adapter_residual_before_ln": false, "non_linearity": "swish", "original_ln_after": true, "original_ln_before": false, "reduction_factor": 16, "residual_before_ln": true }
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@misc{houlsby2019parameterefficient, title={Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning for NLP}, author={Neil Houlsby and Andrei Giurgiu and Stanislaw Jastrzebski and Bruna Morrone and Quentin de Laroussilhe and Andrea Gesmundo and Mona Attariyan and Sylvain Gelly}, year={2019}, eprint={1902.00751}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.LG} }
@misc{chen2018quora, title={Quora question pairs}, author={Chen, Zihan and Zhang, Hongbo and Zhang, Xiaoji and Zhao, Leqi}, year={2018}, publisher={Quora} }